Posted by: mikeyfreedom | October 10, 2007

IN THE LOOP – Pacific Stories.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and Film Australia have produced a web site with some great short films and articles on the Pacific and its many contemporary and traditional stories.

IN THE LOOP – Presented by Isabelle Genoux, Clement Paligaru and Heather Jarvis show cases an engaging mix of music, interviews and sounds of the Pacific, highlighting the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century.

PACIFIC STORIES -Hosted by Vika and Linda

“Trace the remarkable shifts in social, cultural and environmental realties for people of the Pacific.”

Such issues and historical articles as Tahitian cultural revival, Tonga’s state of the Monarchy vs Democracy, Pacific Islander Slave trading history of Australia, Bikini Atoll – Marshall Islanders removed from homeland for US nuclear testing and more are documented.

It is worth spending time surfing through the site – as i have scanned through it so far, i plan to go back now and see it all!

So feel free to check it out and leave a comment on such below here!

click here>>>>> “PACIFIC STORIES “


There are many Pacific Stories – some are still being written……………………… As many still strive for independence and decolonization.

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